Headline Sports podcast with Morris Phillips: Cal announces no spectators will attend athletic events; fans can exchange tickets for refund

Cal vice chancellor of administration Marc Fisher announced that no spectators will be allowed to attend Cal athletic events. Only team personnel and the media would be allowed to attend. (UC Berkeley file photo)

On Headline Sports with Morris podcast:

#1 Cal vice chancellor of administration Marc Fisher announced that there will be no spectators attending intercollegiate events. Before the announcement it was understood that as opposed to on line studying and no in person classes athletics at Cal would go forward with spectators at events but the quickly scratched after Fisher taking in consideration that a carrier could set that spread of Covid 19.

#2 Somewhere between the mention that Cal athletics would allow fans and students to attend athletics it was brought to Fisher’s attention that people could get sick and that Fisher put out the statement games would not be played in front of fans until further notice.

#3 The statement from Fisher also said that only student athletes, coaches, sports medicine staff, game officials, credentialed media, operational and administrative staff would be allowed in the events

#4 Fans who are season ticket holders at Cal are advised that they could exchange tickets, they could request a refund or donate to a non profit charity of their choice.

#5 Cal basketball had just ended when shelter in place was introduced as state policy so the football and basketball programs just got their seasons in before March Madness was suspended.

Morris Phillips is a Cal Bears beat writer and podcasts each Monday at http://www.sportsradioservice.com

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