Oakland A’s podcast with Barbara Mason: Too much Lopez as Twins shutout A’s 3-0 at Coliseum; A’s open road trip in Anaheim tonight

Oakland A’s baserunner Zack Gelof dives back into first base on a Minnesota Twins pick off move in the bottom of the eighth inning at the Oakland Coliseum on Sun June 23, 2024 (AP News photo)

On the Oakland A’s podcast with Barbara:

#1 Minnesota Twins starter Pablo Lopez had a perfect game going into the seventh inning against the Oakland until Oakland A’s Lawrence Butler hit a seventh inning single to break it up.

#2 Lopez needless to say had command of his pitches 14 strikeouts for a career high in eight innings of shutout ball. Lopez’s line eight innings, two hits and 14 strikeouts.

#3 Lopez had retired the first 17 batters he faced giving up two singles and a walk. With 14 strikeouts going the A’s line up just were off balance all game long.

#4 With the loss the A’s drop 6-17 and A’s starter Hogan Harris gets pinned with the loss he drops his record to 1-1. Harris allowed three runs and five hits in the 3-0 loss.

#5 The A’s hope to turn the page against the Los Angeles Angels on Monday night. Starting pitcher for the A’s RHP Luis Medina (1-2, ERA 4.71) for the Angels Griffin Canning (2-8, ERA 5.02) first pitch 6:38pm PT at the Big A in Anaheim.

Join Barbara Mason for the A’s podcasts each Monday at http://www.sportsradioservice.com

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